Tansferium Nunspeet

Tansferium Nunspeet

Website: veluwetransferiumnunspeet.nl

A beautiful tower overlooking North Veluwe and visitor center Forestry Commission. For a complete day out, go to the Veluwetransferium Nunspeet. Between Visitor Center Nunspeet and the NS station is the Veluwetransferium Nunspeet. The transferium is an initiative of municipality Nunspeet in cooperation with province of Gelderland and Staatsbosbeheer. Veluwetransferium Nunspeet is founded in 2002 and thus the first on the Veluwe.

It was completely renovated and reopened in early 2015. The grounds now contain even more elements for additional experiences. A visit to Visitor Center Nunspeet can therefore be combined well with the Veluwe Transferium. First experience the Veluwe in the exhibition, look around the store and take a walk in the forest. Then climb the tower and the children play in the playground. To finish, reminisce on the brasserie terrace and then get back in the car to go home. A complete Velvet day out for the whole family. Great to go with the kids on a electric bicycles. Click here for more information.