BLOG: Fun outing in Park de Hoge Veluwe?

Posted on 2020-02-21

Plan Veluwe Valley Park de Hoge Veluwe, a beautiful piece of nature to visit in your own country. Besides forest, heath and drifting sands, you have a great chance of spotting wildlife. These include wild boar, red deer and mouflon. Special species of birds and insects also find shelter in the park. Would you like to explore the park with your friends, family or whole family? And don't want to do so on the standard whiter bikes? Then read on quickly!

You can visit the park in a fun and special way with the E-bike! This way you are still walking, but with the speed of an electric bike. Ideal to see the park completely! While on the treadmill, enjoy all the beauty the park has to offer.

Is an E-bike not quite your thing? Then the E-chopper definitely a good replacement! On this, you can just sit comfortably and enjoy all the beauty very relaxed.

Another option for visiting the park together is at a tandem. Guaranteed hilarity and fun for two. If you have children, the parent-child tandem that ideal option. Perfect for a fun and long bike ride!

Our enthusiastic Veluwe specialist staff will provide you with an explanation and a scenic route. This will make your friends, family or family outing complete!

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