Camp Operation Cleanser

The Voorthuizen Orange Association is celebrating 80 years of liberation in 2025 so that this historic event is never forgotten. From May 9 through May 11, visitors can relive history on the Orange grounds in Voorthuizen.
An Allied encampment provides a unique glimpse into the lives of the liberators of the time. On display here are, among other things, a field hospital, radio communications and various historic vehicles. This is authentically depicted by Reenactment groups, who bring to life the atmosphere of 80 years ago.

On Friday and Saturday, "The Walk" will take place from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.. This 5.1 km walk will lead you past six special places in Voorthuizen. There are guides at these points of interest who provide additional explanations, and you can read even more about the locations on signs with QR codes.
The walk starts at the Orange Grounds, where you can pick up a route map for free.

Admission is free on all days!

May 9: 9:00 - 23:30
May 10: 9:00 - 00:00
May 11: 9:00 - 17:00