Cultural history walk, Schaffelaar estate

November 9
Normal: €5

Child: €2.50

14:00 - 16:00
BARNEVELD - The forest rangers of Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen are organizing a cultural-historical walk on the Schaffelaar estate on Saturday, November 9, 2024. The first mention of a castle on this spot can be found on a map from 1568. The Schaffelaar house now found on the estate dates from 1852. It is among the 100 most beautiful houses and castles in the Netherlands. The estate itself is still developing and has a special history. The forester will tell and show all about it during the walk. Booking in advance online is necessary.

Time: start at 2 p.m. Duration: approximately 2 hours.
Participation: 5.00 euro p.p., children 4-12 years 2.50 euro p.p., donors free on presentation of a valid GLK donor pass.

More information and online reservations:

Station Street 6

Go to the event website

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